Friday, April 15, 2005

o1.5: These are the things...

...that were given to me at the clinic
prenatal accessories

There's a new Winnie the Pooh baby's cap (which Justin put on his hed, go figure) and a little shirt with an iron-on sheep riding a skateboard. I was also given "Strongstart" prenatal and postnatal vitamins. They're good for me and orangey flavoured, but they kinda taste like butt. Liz also gave me a Help for the Journey Pregnancy Packet. It's a pretty decent paquet with fun tid bits in it. Once I'm in my 12 week, I'll start going to classes and earning 'points'. With those points I earn free stuff like a crib and clothes and such. One of the classes gives you a free carseat for joining. Isn't that grande? The paquet also has timelines and fetal information and the like. I'm going to be one very active mommy-to-be. I've already quit smoking. I'm so excited.


Today, at around 1:30, I decided to go to A Women's Touch Pregnancy Counseling Center to try out a free pregnancy test. I was having a bit of discomfort in my hips and abdomen as well as my lower back and just for precautions sake, I wanted to check. After a consultation, with shaking hands, I readied the test. I waited on the other side of the room, while I talked to the pregnancy counselor of "if you are" and "if you are not". After the four-minute wait, which went by more quickly than I had expected it to, I viewed my test result to find it positive. I started shaking; I was so happy. I handed it to Liz, the PC, and asked her to tell me that the test had to lines. She nodded and said yes.

Justin was the first one I called. He was so happy. He even left work early with a "My wife's pregnant; I'm leaving" and picked me up at the clinic. I called both sides (his and mine) of the family and all of my friends that I could think of off the top of my head.

I'm so happy. Justin's like a little kid with a new present to look forward to, and the two of us are just ecstatic. We both really want a girl. All I have to do now is make a doctor's appointment.

I guess Amber and I got our wish. We are so having babies together. :)