OK, so I said I'd post a labor and delivery story when I got more sleep. That's not going to happen any time soon so here it goes...
I woke up on Oct 25th feeling very crampy and uncomfortable. I had been feeling like that for a while now so I just ignored it and went on about my day. I figured they were contractions, but I wanted them to be closer before going to the hospital. By the afternoon they were getting stronger but were still irregular so I decided to put my toddler and self down for a nap. We woke up at 7. While walking down the stairs they hit pretty hard. Making sure they were not Braxton-Hicks's, I decided to walk the dog and called up my good friend. She then timed my contractions while I walked the dog. They were two-minutes apart at 1 minute length. I decided I should go into the hospital that night as I had been advised to go in when contractions started. I had had a previous c-section and wanted to try a VBAC. Since there is risk for uterine rupture, they have to monitor the labor at all times.
I let my husband know while he made dinner. Luckily I had everything packed and ready to go for weeks, so I didn't have to worry about anything else except for my ID and insurance which was sitting on the dining table in a neat pile.
After dinner my contractions were hitting harder and I just wanted to cry. I have a pretty high pain tolerance so I could function just fine, but that didn't mean it wasn't hurting like hell. So we grabbed our toddler and the bags and got everything in the car and hauled ass to the hospital. The drive is normally 45 minutes. We made it there in half the time.
J was very sweet and held my hand the entire time while I was in pain, which helped. I needed something to hold on to when I was in pain.
I did all the regular stuff when I got there and they placed me in the L&D room with all the monitors hooked up. It was sometime passed 8 when I got there...
Almost 24 HOURS LATER--My contractions are still 2 minutes apart, 1 minute long, hurt like hell. I'm crying every once in a while from the pain and guess what...My body was not responding to it...AT ALL. I was at 1 cm 50% effaced when I got there and stayed there through the entire night. My OB came in and gave me some alternatives. She knew I did not want another c-section and I explained to her my reasons. (I had a crappy experience the first time.) She understood and was willing to do other things if I was still wanting to wait it out. She was very considerate and gave me time to think. After bawling like a baby that my body was just not going to do this naturally, I talked to my husband and decided it would be best to do another cesarean. Everyone was supportive and my OB was actually shocked that I had chosen the C instead. She kept asking me if I was sure. I let her know that my body didn't tolerate labor last time, it obviously wasn't going to do it this time either. I was exhausted and in a lot of pain. I couldn't go home b/c of the risks. I was willing to suck it up and take the surgery.
And so, with my husband, some awesome anesthesiologists, goofy nurses, my OB and the resident OB, my daughter was delivered that night (26 Oct) at 8:38.
It was a better experience than my last cesarean. I had people who supported me and didn't nag me. I had a great staff helping me. There was no emergency so there was no rush. And now my husband fully understands what it's like to have a c-section since he watched the whole thing.
My personal recovery time was incredibly short. I was on the phone the minute the rolled me out of the OR and put me in my room. I was there for three days. The only pain I was suffering from was from the incision as it healed and from my edema (which got so bad I couldn't walk sometimes.) My husband took a week off of work and helped out. He started going back a couple of days ago, and I've actually been okay being alone with the girls. I was expecting worse, but Lily has been a good big sister and Iris sleeps 98% of the time.
I've gotten the hang of breastfeeding (FINALLY!) to where I no longer supplement with formula and where I can walk around the house with her still attached to my boob and me hold her in one arm as I chase my toddler down the hall who has something in her hand she's not supposed to.
Iris is a week and a half (4 days) today. Her umbilicus fell off this morning so she now has a regular belly button. So now I don't have to worry about putting her in her onesies and footies and can give her a regular bath.
*sigh* It's nice having two gorgeous baby girls. (Even if one isn't so much a baby anymore.)