Thursday, April 26, 2007

XV: Uh-oh

So when Lily is doing something she knows she is not supposed to (like unplugging her fan or stereo) and gets caught while doing it. She'll stand there until you ask her to move and go "uh-oh" because she got caught. Example from last night:

Me: leaving the bathroom and turn to look at what Lily is doing in room
Lily: unplugged her fan and is now unplugging her stereo
Me: Lily! Stop! No! You'll hurt yourself!
Lily: jumps in shock, hangs her head, then stands there and sways while she waits for what is next
Me: Come here.
Lily: Uh-oh. Follows me out of the room.

With that said, her videos and photos have been updated with stuff from yesterday as well. ;)