So, last night/this morning was interesting...
Yesterday afternoon was my 38-week check up with the OBGYN. Everything is as it should be. I'm still closed and long (no dilation, baby still not dropped) and still in a lot of pain. Seeing that I haven't slept in what feels like weeks, my doctor prescribed me vicodin for the pain. The day progresses, I still feel like the plague, so I take my pill and wait.
And wait...
and wait...
The pain gets worse. I had taken a good pain killer and I was still in a crap load of pain. I was horribly uncomfortable and in tears. I couldn't handle it anymore. So, we get to labor and delivery around 11pm and are admitted in to see how things will go. My contractions are mild, but 2 to 3 minutes apart. My scar burns like fire, and I'm super exhausted.
After a couple of hours of monitoring, the nurse hooks me up to an IV, sticks me with a hardcore antihistamine, and leaves me there to see what happens. My contractions get further apart, and I doze off. I still have enough pain to where I holler every ten minutes, but instead of every two, it's every ten, which is nice. A good half gallon of water is pumped into my system by then and I just want to sleep.
After 6 hours of being in L&D, I'm finally released home, told to take another vicodin, and told that my problem was the fact that I was dehydrated. How I became dehydrated, nobody even knows. My husband, even my stepmom-in-law were surprised to find that the problem I have is keeping enough fluids in my system.
I drink my weight in water, but apparently 64 oz of water every day isn't enough. Because of the scar tissue and the constant pull, I have to have *more* fluids in me to deal with my uterus. The husband bought me a large 44 oz cup from the gas station and I'm meant to drink that twice a day. The nurse also suggested I eat foods rich in fluids, like jello, soup, and watermelon for an extra boost.
This pregnancy has not been kind to me. Seriously. I'm very glad that in seven days I'll finally be able to hold my son.
Seven more days.