Monday, January 2, 2006

o1: Photos and Such

The one from the hospital:

The ones taken at the hospital:

And the Labor story:

Water broke at around 3 am Tuesday morning.
Mother and I argued for about whether or not my water had really broken.
Went to hospital around 4:15
Was 90% effaced
Called Anniey and Kesia
Contractions, though regular at 3 minutes apart, where going nowhere, so started pitocin at around 7:40
Was given stadol two hours later and was knocked out (asleep) for a good portion.
Everything was regular and whatever. Can't remember much...
By 10 pm, was already dilated 8 cm at 100% effacement, with mad crazy contractions.
Refused the epidural b/c I could actually handle the pain, and told mother to shut up b/c apparently she was the one in labor, not me.
Kesia and I were complimented on our awesome partnership in labor scheme.
Sometime after 11 was told that Lily was stuck and that I would have to have emergency cesarean as her heartrate was dropping.
Was rolled into OR and given spinal anesthesia, Lily was taken out at 11:52 pm, not breathing, with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck twice (which I was not told about until after everything had passed by Kesia and not anyone else--wtf?).
Heard he finally cry after freaking out that I couldn't hear her. They held her ove the screen. I started crying, and then I passed out.
Woke up in the recovery room sometime later with someone putting in a morphine drip and bandaging me up.
Was rolled (was still in the bed, shivering (side-effect) and covered in blankets) to the nursery where I heard Lily wailing and they placed her in my arms where I spoke to her and she got real quiet when I did so.
Handed her back and passed out again.
Woke up at 4 am on the 27th, mad exahusted, not able to feel anything from the bra-line down, was given a clean and crying baby, where I was helped up, and was able to breastfeed her.
The next 60 hours were an experience. I couldn't get up by myself, I was swollen, and had been bitched at by my mother, brother and sister, because apparently I was supposed to know that my child was in distress and choking. Do I look like Miss Cleo? I'm not fucking clairvoyant.
Came home on the 29th, stressed out, tired, but at least I'm doing better.

All in all, life sucks. I had a stressful pregnancy, labor and delivery, and even a recovery (which has eased since I'm recovering still), but I now have a beautiful baby girl that I'm thankful for. She keeps me on my toes and is the only reason I haven't punched anybody yet.

Hope everyone had happy holidays and a great start at the new year.