Sunday, February 19, 2012

Baby Delivery

It's been almost two weeks and I have yet to write anything about my hospital stay or the fmaily. Sorry about that. I've been recovering these past two weeks, and have gotten much needed rest. (As much as is possible when you have a newborn, anyway.)
First off, the delivery went, for the most part, smoothly. J and I arrived at the hospital at around 5:16 to sign in and let them know we were ready. I was prepped, getting hooked up to IVs, poked and prodded, and had to answer a bajillion questions for paperwork that was filled out for me while I'm in the process of being poked and prodded. J was easily distracted by his Nook. :) Annoyingly enough, this actually took a good hour or so to do.

At around 6:30, everyone who was supposed to be in the OR comes in, gives me the run down, which I shamelessly nod off through due to barely sleeping, and having done this three times already, and am wheeled out to the OR. We make it in at exactly 7am and I am poked and prodded some more. Apparently, I was retaining too much water, or was just too fat, that the anesthesiologists were having a hard time finding a spot between my vertabrae to insert the needle. This sucked. Majorly. The female was using her fingernail to make an indention. I had to be poked about 4 or 5 different times just to numb the area they needed, and even then, we were all having a hard time. Finally, the nurse who was holding me, gave me a stool to rest my feet so that I could lean over and curl properly. Once that happened, everything seemed to fall perfectly into place and the doctors were able to finally insert the needle in spine without any issues.

After that, the scene went according to plan. Screen up, arms tied down, OB and surgical tech hovering over my abdomen with scapels, nurses on standby, anesthetic team hovering overhead, med students watching along the walls...

Dorian arrived at 7:40 am on the 7th, much to the delight of the entire medical staff in the room. You hear my doctor and his tech, who is also male, being as serious as possible as they make their incisions, when suddenly, you hear the tech say "Oh, look at his tiny little ears!" and both men are just melting at the adorableness that is my son. According to Justin, the nurses throughout the room were also squealing and pointing at my gorgeous baby. :)

What can I say? I make pretty babies.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Please Welcome...

Our newest bundle of joy, Dorian Vaughn Ames; born 7 February, 2012 at 07:40 am in Metroplex Adventist; height: 19.5 inches; weight: 8lbs.

More to come...

Today's the Day

So, we head out to the hospital in a matter of a few hours. I have to be checked in no later than 530am. My hospital bags are packed (have been for the past two weeks now), I'm showered, the girls are cleaned and have clothes set for the day... and I can't sleep. I *want* to sleep, but I am so anxious for this that I keep waking up every hour.


I'll be posting a picture with all the stats as soon as I can. :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

First Session

Lily had her first psychological therapy session today. Because of all the stress we have been under, I have been worried about her mental health and how she is dealing with everything. I try and sit down and talk to her regularly, but there are times when I can't get through to her and she shuts down.

The session this afternoon was pretty simple. Ken just wanted to know what has happened in the past six months, which I explained, as well as how she has handled all of it. He understood my concerns and explained to me that the way she is coping is through her nightmares. We are going to try and help her come out of her shell in the next few sessions to try and get her to verbalize her fears so that we can stop the nightmares and she can deal with her stress in a more healthy way, not all bottled up.

She has another appointment next week. I'm actually excited about this. While sitting there watching her talk to the therapist, playing with random toys, and petting his large retriever, Princess, she was able to express herself without censoring herself. I'm hoping this helps her. I hate knowing that she's under this much stress and has so many fears.