Sunday, December 11, 2005

11 (3.0): [TMI, trust me]

I've been having labor pains for the past four days now, labor symptoms for only two.

Went to L&D last night because I had constant contractions every 6 minutes at a length of 70 seconds each. But while I lay in the bed for urine results, they began to die down. Nurse told me that they were mild, and not strong enough to onset true labor. I was sent home, and rather sad. I'm still only dilated at 1.5 cm. My mucous plug is taking its sweet time, but it is falling out, though it's not tinged with blood yet, so I have to wait. Looks like someone blew their nose into the toilet though.

I also had a fever a few days ago that left a nasty blister behind. Not pleasant, though it is healing just fine. I have back pain, menstrual-like cramps, nausea, and now diarrhea. To top it off, Lily thinks there's a party in my pelvis, so I'm left wincing in pain when one of her limbs hits a nerve. I've barely slept because of it. So Mother gave me Tylenol PM and was pain free and knocked out for several hours.

I'm downright miserable. I hurt everywhere, and I'm emotionally overwhelmed. I hate feeling this way. But then again, find me a pregnant woman who is not emotionally unfit right now, and I will show you a person in mad denial.

I'm stuck waiting. I've dusted, vacuumed, and rearranged the room. I've cleaned the bathroom and all the laundry. I even redid all her clothes and repacked her coming home bag. There's nothing left, and I refuse to leave the house any time soon because I'm afraid I'll go into labor in the middle of Wal-Mart or something. She needs to come out so that I can pamper her, damn it.

And thanks Anniey for pampering me on Friday. :D