OK, so I said I would post about the girls at the end of last week...well, we've been busy. :-P
Anyway, Lily is large and full of sass, which is nothing new. She's the size of the average 4/5 year old and intellectually at that level. She's still a brat, though. Almost every day she's in time out more than once before noon. *sigh* It's been a struggle with her behaviour but we are working on it. It feels like there is just constant whining and back-talk from her. I am super happy when she's behaving, but lately those days have been few and far between. :(
On a different note, a private preschool up the street from my house at the Lutheran church is willing to take Lily early this school year. I usually have to wait until she is a certain age, but they said as long as she is not a disruption to the class, she is allowed to start with the four-year-olds this year instead of the three. She's super excited. Lily has been asking me for the past year if she could go to school, and for the past year I have tried everything to get her into Head Start or other similar programs for preschoolers. But since she is not developmentally challenged nor handicapped in any way, they didn't want to take her early. It was frustrating for all of us. I understand the "no child left behind" but because of it, it is hindering the progress of the children who are above the average. It's great that these programs are helping children with disabilities reach the proper level by a certain age, but what about the children who are like Lily who need more to satisfy their thirst for knowledge? *sigh* Oh well, at least I finally found a place who would take her, even tuition is a little over $100 a month.
On the Iris month, she hasn't been a big pain behaviour-wise like her sister. She does have her days when she's in a mood, but those are few and far between. I just wish Lily's moods were, too. LOL. She FINALLY has teeth. Her first tooth came in on the 9 of last month, while her second one just cut through today. I've been impatiently waiting for her teeth. LOL. She doesn't care less, considering it was never a problem for her. That kid has razor-sharp gums made for eating...and she loves to eat, that's for sure.
All in all the girls are happy and healthy as well as incredibly brilliant. They had a developmental screening last week on Thursday and they mastered everything for their age and above, Lily the 3-4, and Iris the 1-2. ;)
We've been spending a lot of time of family time during the weekends. Justin's been taking us out and about on Saturdays and so far we've been to the aquarium at the Doorly Zoo and two days ago we went to the Children's Museum. They had such a blast. I feel bad with the fact that their only friends are Mommy and Daddy, so I want them to interact with children as much as possible. Justin just absolutely loves the way their faces light up when we take them somewhere.
Anyway, it's snack time and the girls are asking for food. ;) It's amazing how quickly they grow...