Wednesday, September 27, 2006

23: 9 months

Yesterday, Lily thought Wite-Out would be the perfect snack. She somehow sneaked it off of her father's lap and by the time he noticed and snatched it from her, she had already had some. I think she'll be one of those kids who eats paste... I wake up from my nap with Justin, "Where's your nail polish remover?" "I didn't bring any." "Oh. Well, in that case, Lily has Wite-Out on her face."

Quick stats:
Ht: 28.5 in.
Wt: 22 lbs 4 oz

She's such a chatty Cathy nowadays. And she does this gag-cough-hack when she wants attention. She's been mimicking Justin and I when we need to get rid of some mucus. She still has no teeth. She's been wreaking havoc. She doesn't know how to walk yet, but she is a climber - found her with her feet up in the air getting into her walker. And right now, as I type, she's trying to "get" Tinker Bell, who is tattooed on my back. She'll actually stop and clap if you clap first. She still shakes her head no. She knows who "mama" and "dada" are. And she calls her rubber duck "duh".

She was such a good girl at her appointment yesterday. She was scared shitless of the new peditrician though. She went into a state of hysteria where Justin and I couldn't help but laugh. She was about to wail and begin bawling, but no sound was coming out, her mouth was still wide open, and she kept looking back between the doctor and her daddy before she finally burst into tears. I couldn't quite understand it. She was friendly and smiling with all the nurses. I know she has stranger anxiety, but I've never seen it quite that bad before.

They had to test her iron levels and such. She yelped once when the pricked her finger but just sat there quietly as the drew her blood into the phile. The RN was telling the intern nurse that most babies would be screaming by now. She's very well behaved in public. I like that. She's a hellion at home, but good in public.

She's such a spoiled brat, but I just can't help but make her rotten.

More Lily pictures are found at:

More Lily videos are found at:

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