Monday, October 24, 2005


The Bean:
HB: normal (in the 150s)
Postion: upside down and partially dropped
Anything Else: the kid has a large butt that's always sticking out the most (sound like Mommy :D) and she's now rolling into a "sneaky spot" where I can't feel any of her movements, though I know she's moving. She did it at my appt. today.

The Vonnie:
BP: normal
Weight: gained 2 lbs since last visit (at 129 now, which [including pounds lost] I've gained circa 20 lbs total)
Ailments: massive heartburn where I had Prevacid perscribed, backache,BH contractions from hell, and a baby who thinks its great to stretch out just one leg and then wiggle/tap her foot along side my belly.

Anyway, here's the current bump. Eight more weeks of this, and that's it. I already let Justin know, no more babies.

Thirty-Two Weeks

Reminder: birthing classes on the 8th and 10th from 5-9pm. (Kesia, be ready.)

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