Monday, June 8, 2009

viii: 43 Days To Go...


Holy shit. Where has the time gone? I only have a month and a half left? Seriously, I knew I was close, but I didn't realize how close. I'm glad I'm almost done, though. My EVERYTHING hurts and I'm so heavy and tired. I hate feeling miserable, especially when there is so much to look forward to.

My friend Liz is throwing me a baby shower at the end of the month. It was a nice surprise when she told me her plan yesterday. When I was pregnant with Lily, I was the one who threw my own self a baby shower. With Iris, I didn't even think about one since I already had most of what I needed. Granted, I still have most of what I need (the joy of having nothing but girls) but it's still a nice thing to do all the same.

My allergies are no longer bugging me so much, and the only issue I'm having is trying to stay standing without toppling over or walking without passing out either from low blood pressure or overheating. I also have a hard time sleeping. I can't get comfortable at all, and since I'm nothing but baby, every time Rose moves it's like she's digging her feet and knees, trying to escape like Alien or something. Oh joy.

I want to go back to bed; I wish I could sleep more peacefully.

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