Monday, April 9, 2012

Two Months Old and Other Things

Dorian: Today was my little man's 2 months well-baby visit. He is 22.5 inches long and weighs 12lbs 8oz. As of Saturday, his two-month birthday, I am no longer breastfeeding. His lactose intolerance is confirmed and he has now been switched to Soy formula. I'm still bummed, but I hope this stops his constant painful gas, and keeps his stools from being frothy or watery. He seems to be content with the new formula, even though I'm not. I just have to remind myself that as long as he is healthy and happy, that is all that matters.

Rose: Justin started work almost two weeks ago and Rosie is having a hard time not having him home. There have been plenty of tantrums, fights, and just outright craziness from this little girl, I don't know how to handle her sometimes. I have a headache and I'm quite sure I cracked a tooth from clenching my teeth when she yells, but she tries to be a good kid. She just really misses her daddy.

Iris: What can I say about Iris? She's been lying a lot, so most of the time she speaks, she's usually ignored. She refuses to do any of her bookwork, and has been breaking every rule she can think of withing minutes of each other. I assume it's to get attention because she feels like she has nothing else to do. I'd say it was middle child syndrome, but technically, she's not the middle child anymore.

Lily: My eldest has been a handful sometimes, but I do love this kid. Without her, I think I would have lost my sanity somewhere. She has been a tremendous help with her little brother and youngest sister that I've mentioned to her what a blessing she is. I have my hands full with so many kids so close in ager and if it weren't for Lily, I think I would have broken down a lot. She's no longer in therapy. Her last session was two weeks ago and I've taken what her therapist has said and put it into action. A lot of her behavior has changed due to this, which is much progress indeed. Her nightmares have subsided, and she seems a lot more content. We've had our ups and downs, but through it all, this kid has done an amazing job with how she handles herself. It's amazing that she is only 6.

In general, the kids are adjusting to their father being gone and us hopping from one place to another. Within the next three months we should have a place of our own. I hope by then, things will get back to normal. Their healthy, and for the most part, happy little pains in my butt. :) Truthfully, what kid shouldn't be a pain in the butt? Without their nuances, life would be pretty boring.

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